By Dr. Welling: Dear family and friends, The mission of Malone University states in part that we prepare our students to serve "the church, community, and world." Our students surely embodied Malone's mission as they served Mifan Mama at the organization's warehouse today. Mifan Mama collects clothing, furniture, and other goods on behalf of regional orphanages. Today we sorted new and used clothes and moved boxes and other items at the warehouse for nearly 6 hours. We were well synchronized as we sorted, counted, and packaged hundreds of items. Dr. Chen and I were very pleased with our students' efforts, as was our service partner. Our eight team members would certainly have kept working had our ride to the subway station not arrived. After a brief respite, we finished the day with a time of debriefing over a Chinese meal -- shared family style -- and Magnum ice cream bars. Although imported from Belgium, I first enjoyed this sweet treat when Dr. Chen and I la...